Wednesday 1 June, 2011



A father asks peon: How are the studies in this college? Where do I see my son in future?
Peon: The future is bright, I had also completed my engineering from the same college!
First line to write in exams:
“All the answers written below
are imaginary and work of my creative mind.
Any resemblence to text book
is unintentional and purely accidental”
What is FEAR ? ?
FEAR is…. that deep,
wrenching feeling when pages of your book still smell new,
just 1 day before EXAM.
The Law Says
“If U Can’t Convince Them
Then At least Confuse Them”
Do You Know Which Law It Is?
This Is
“Law Of Answering In Examination”
Cricket is getting excited day by day with the introduction of IPL n T20
Same rules should be applied in Examz!
(1) Exams Timing Should Be Reduced To One Hour.
(2) Power Play – No Invigilator In Exam Hall For 1st 15 mins.
(3) Cheer Leaders – To Dance After Every Right Answer Written.
(4) Strategic Time-Out – Time For Students For Discussion.
(5) Super Over – Chance For Students To Form Their Own Question.
According to newton’s 4th law for exams-
every book will continue to be at rest
or covered with dust
until some
external or internal exam moves it!
Education is an organized system
through which we waste half of our life
to learn how to waste
the remaining half of our life!
The Most Unfulfilled Desire Of All Science Students Is…
A Bomb Should Have Fallen
Instead Of
An Apple On NEWTON…:D
Rain of summer, snow of winter,
grace of autumn, glory of spring,
May beauty of every season
give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.
May God suceed u in every exams of ur life.
Good luck & all the best
Principles of student life.
Love your bed, Its your temple.
Relax in the days, so that you can sleep at night.
Books are holy, so dont touch.
All i want you is to be courageous
Be calm and
be self equipped with facts and figures
to conquer this exams battle.
I wish you is best of luck in your exams
Fights for friends.
Joyful trips.
Examination fever.
Suspense of results.
Making parodies of teachers.
Joking with juniors.
Carefree laughters.
Gossips about affairs.
Just everything….
People call it ill manners.
We call it life.

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