Wednesday, 11 April 2012


How to impress Man / Woman!!

Compliment her

Respect her

Honor her,

Cuddle her,

Caress her,

Love her,

Comfort her,

Protect her,

Hold her,

Spend money on her,

Wine and dine her,

Buy things for her,

Listen to her,

Care for her,

Stand by her,

Support her,

Hold her,

Go to the ends of the Earth for her.

- How to IMPRESS a MAN -



99 Secrets about Guys

Another forwarded e-mail. I bet you’ve read it a million times but most of these
secrets are actually totally true. And they say girls are tougher to figure out.
Boys are even more complicated inside even though it seems that they revolve
around only one thing – women.
1. Guys don’t actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and
presentable girls.
2. Guys hate flirts.
3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
4. When a guy says he doesn’t understand you, it simply means you’re not
thinking the way he is.
5. “Are you doing something?” or “Have you eaten already?” are the first usual
 questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep,
they always think about the girl they truly care about.

7. When a guy really likes you, he’ll disregard all your bad

8. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.
9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.
10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can’t. And they sure
have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and
it is drinking!

13. Guys cry!!!
14. Don’t provoke(irritate) the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and
this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.

17. When you touch a guy’s heart, there’s no turning back.
18. Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know what?!..uh…never
mind!” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are

19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when
they talk to a girl they really like.
21. When a guy makes a prolonged “umm” or makes any excuses when you’re
 asking him to do you a favor, he’s actually saying that he doesn’t like you and
 he can’t lay down the card for

22. When a girl says “no”, a guy hears it as “try again tomorrow.”
23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the
message clearly.

24. Guys hate gays!
25. Guys love their moms.
26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t
mean that the guy likes her.

28 You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth
 faster than girls can.
31. Like Eve, girls are guys’ weaknesses.
32. Guys are very open about themselves.
33. It’s good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don’t
let him wait that long.

34. No guy is bad when he is courting
35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they’re not that
much pretty.

37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems
 with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to
listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.

39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases

40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.
41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the
 wrong one.
43. Guys virtually brag about anything.
44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
45. Guys think too much.
46. Guys’ fantasies are unlimited.
47. Girls’ height doesn’t really matter to a guy but her weight does!
48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too
possessive. So watch out girls!!!

49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be
hard for him to let go of that girl.

50. It’s not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they
broke up especially when they’ve been together for 3 years or more.

51. You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting
involved with that guy.

52. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he’s
too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won’t be matured

 and grow up.
53. When an unlikable circumstance comes, guys blame themselves a lot more
 than girls do. They could even hurt themselves physically.
54. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.
55. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussycats with
 their girlfriends.
56. When a guy pretends to be calm, check if he’s sweating. You’ll
probably see that he is nervous.

57. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.
58. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying,
”Please come and listen to me”
59. Guys don’t really have final decisions.
60. When a guy loves you, bring out the best in him.
61. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him.
62. If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something.
63. Guys believe that there’s no such thing as love at first sight,
but court the girls anyway and then realize at the end that he is

64. Guys like femininity not feebleness.*
65. Guys don’t like girls who punch harder than they do.
66. A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be
sure unless the girl tells him.

67. A guy would waste his time over video games and basketball,
 the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups.
68. Guys love girls who can cook or bake.
69. Guys like girls who are like their moms. No kidding!
70. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
71. A guy’s friend knows everything about him. Use this to your

72. Don’t be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of

73. Don’t be biased. Try loving a guy without prejudice and
 you’ll be surprised.***********
74. Girls who bathe in their eau de perfumes do more repelling than
attracting guys.

75. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic
is about girls.

76. Guys don’t comprehend the statement “Get lost” too well.
77. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable
decisions but still love them more.

78. When a guy gives a crooked or pretentious grin at your jokes,
he finds them offending and he just tried to be polite.
79. Guys don’t care about how shiny their shoes are unlike girls.
80. Guys tend to generalize about girls but once they get to know
them,they’ll realize they’re wrong.

81. Any guy can handle his problems all by his own. He’s just too
stubborn to deal with it.

82. Guys find it so objectionable when a girl swears.
83. Guys’ weakest point is at the knee.
84. When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but is
already thinking of a way out.

85. When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at
fixing things.

86. When a guy looks at you, either he’s amazed of you or he’s
criticizing you.

87. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance,
give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance,
ignore him.
88. If a guy lets you go, he really loves you.
89. If you have a boyfriend, and your boy best friend always glances at u and
 it obviously shows that he is jealous whenever you’re with your boyfriend,
 all I can say is your boy best friend loves you more than your boyfriend does.
90. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and
take as their basis of experience.
91. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in
front of you!

92. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why.
93. When a guy says he can’t sleep if he doesn’t hear your voice even just for
 one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and
 sometimes makes fun of you.
94. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him
praying sometimes.

95. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.
96. Girls are allowed to touch boys’ things. Not their hair!
97. If a guy says you’re beautiful, that guy likes you.
98. Guys hate girls who overreact.
99. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Text Messaging Abbreviations & Shortcuts

143 or 459 - I Love You

420 - Marijuana

AAMOF - As a matter of fact

AAR8 - At Any Rate

ADAD - Another Day, Another Dollar

AFAIC - As Far As I'm Concerned

AFAIK - As Far As I Know

AKA - Also Known As

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ATM - At The Moment

ATYS - Anything You Say

AWA - As Well As

B/C - Because

B4 - Before

B4N - Bye For Now

BBL - Be Back Later

BBS - Be Back Soon

BCNU - Be Seein' You

BF - Boyfriend

BFF - Best Friends Forever

BFN - Bye For Now

BMG - Be My Guest

BRB - Be Right Back

BTDT - Been There, Done That

BTW - By The Way

C-P - Sleepy

CD9 - Code 9: Parents Nearby

CID - Consider It Done

CMIIW - Correct Me If I'm Wrong

CSL - Can't Stop Laughing

CU - See You

CUL or CUL8R - See You Later

CUS - See You Soon

CUZ - Because

CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time

CYE - Check Your E-mail

DIY - Do It Yourself

DQMOT - Don't Quote Me On This

DUCWIM - Do You See What I Mean?

DW - Don't Worry

DWBH - Don't Worry, Be Happy :O)

EOD - End Of Discussion

EOM - End Of Message

EOR - End Of Rant

EZ - Easy

F2F - Face To Face

F2T - Free To Talk?

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

FCOL - For Crying Out Loud

FITB - Fill In The Blank

FOAF - Friend Of A Friend

FOFL - Falling On The Floor Laughing

FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition

FWIW - For What It's Worth

FYEO - For Your Eyes Only

FYI - For Your Information

G2G - Got To Go

GAL - Get A Life

GB - Goodbye

GF - Girlfriend

GGN - Gotta Go Now

GI - Good Idea

GJ - Good Job

GL - Good Luck

GOL - Giggle Out Loud

GR8 - Great

GTG - Got To Go

H8 - Hate

H/O - Hold On

HAGN - Have A Good Night

HAK - Hugs And Kisses

HAND - Have A Nice Day

HH - Ha-ha

HHIS - Hanging Head In Shame

HOAS - Hold On A Second

HTB - Heavens To Betsy (for the older crowd)

HTH - Hope This Helps

IAC - In Any Case

IAE - In Any Event

IC - I See

IDC - I Don't Care

IDK - I Don't Know

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

IK - I Know

ILY - I Love You

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

IMLTHO - In My Less Than Humble Opinion

IMO - In My Opinion

IMPOV - In My Point Of View

IOW - In Other Words

IRL - In Real Life

JIC - Just In Case

JK - Just Kidding

JTLYK - Just To Let You Know

K - Okay

KIS - Keep It Simple

KIT - Keep In Touch

KWIM - Know What I Mean?

L8 - Late

L8R - Later

LBH - Let's Be Honest

LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life

LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots Of Laughs

LMAO - Laughing My A** Off

LTNS - Long Time No See

MIRL - Meet In Real Life

MMA - Meet Me At

MMB - Message Me Back

MorF - Male or Female

MOS - Mom Over Shoulder

MSG - Message

MTFBWU - May The Force Be With You

MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That

NBD - No Big Deal

NC - No Comment

NE - Any

NE1 - Anyone

NEWB - person who is new to something

NM - Never Mind

NMU - Not Much, You?

NOOB or N00B - inferior person

NOYB - None Of Your Business

NP - No Problem

NRN - No Response Necessary

NW - No Way

O RLY? - Oh, Really?

OIC - Oh, I See

OMG - Oh My Gosh -or- Oh My God -or- Oh My Goodness (for the older crowd)

OT - Off Topic

OTOH - On The Other Hand

OTP - On The Phone

OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head

OWTTE - Or Words To That Effect

P911 - Parent In Room

PAW - Parents Are Watching

PCM - Please Call Me

PIR - Parent In Room

PITA - Pain In The A**

PLS - Please

PLZ - Please

POC - Point Of Contact

POS - Parent Over Shoulder

POV - Point Of View

PPL - People

PRW - Parents Are Watching

PTMM - Please Tell Me More

Q - Question

QT - Cutie

ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing

R - Are

RL - Real Life

RSN - Real Soon Now

RUOK? - Are You Okay?

S2R - Send To Receive

SFETE - Smiling From Ear To Ear

SIT - Stay In Touch

SITD - Still In The Dark

SMH - Shaking My Head

SOH - Sense Of Humor

SOZ - Sorry

SRY - Sorry

STFU - Shut The F*** Up

STR8 - Straight

SUP - What's Up?

SYS - See You Soon

TAFN - That's All For Now

TBA - To Be Announced

TBC - To Be Continued

TBH - To Be Honest

TC - Take Care

TGIF - Thank Goodness It's Friday

THX - Thanks -or- Thank you

TIA - Thanks In Advance

TIC - Tongue In Cheek

TISNF - That Is So Not Fair

TMB - Text Me Back

TMI - Too Much Information

TOY - Thinking Of You

TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now

TTYL - Talk To You Later

TY - Thank You

U - You

U2 - You Too

UR - You Are -or- You're

VBG - Very Big Grin

W8 - Wait

W/ - With

W/E - Whatever

W/O - Without

WB - Welcome Back

WBS - Write back soon

WFM - Works For Me

WTF - What The F***

WTG - Way To Go

WTH - What The Heck?

WU - What's Up?

WYGOWM - Will You Go Out With Me?

WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

WYRN - What's Your Real Name?

XOXO - Hugs and Kisses

Y - Why

YRG - You Are Good

YT? - You There?

YW - You Are Welcome

ZZZ - Tired or bored

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Ek Ho Gaye Hum Aur Tum

Here is the song 'Ek Ho Gaye Hum Aur Tum' from movie 'Bombay'.

ek ho gaye ham aur tum to ur gayin nindein re
When you and I became one, our sleep went winging away,

aur khanki paayal masti mein to kangan khanke re

and in pleasure your anklets and bangles clashed.

hamma hamma...

ae pahali baar mile tum pe dam ye nikale
Since we first met, I haven't been able to catch my breath.

tum pe yeh jawaani dhire dhire maddham machale re
This youth slowly grows fractious for you.

khili chaandani jaise yeh badan jaana mila tumko
The body you've been granted is like blooming moonlight.

man mein socha tha jaisa ruup tera aaya nazar hamko

The beauty I'd imagined in my mind appeared before me in you.

sitam khuli khuli yeh sanam gori gori yeh baahein karti hai yuun

Your fair, fair beauty wrecks me when you take me in your embrace.

hamein tumne jab gale lagaaya tab kho hi gaye ham to
When you took me in your arms, I became lost to the world.

hamma hamma...

khuli zulf mein teri aankhon mein madhosh ho gaye
I've grown drunk on your flowing locks, in your eyes.

gore gaal pe bhige honth pe yaara fida ho gaye

I sacrifice myself to your pale cheeks and moist lips.

sanam pyaar mein bhigi raat mein pyaas jagaate rahe

Beloved, I thirsted ever more for our love-drenched nights.

khatm na ho sanam pyaar ka mausam chaahatein barhti rahein
May this season of love, may our desires never cease; may they only keep increasing!

hamma hamma...

Kehna Hi Kya

Here is the song 'Kehna Hi Kya' from movie 'Bombay'.

Movie: Bombay
Song: Kehna Hi Kya

Gumsum gumsum gup chup, gumsum gup chup - 2
(Silent and secretive, silent and secretive)

Halchal halchal ho gayi teri, honth hai tere chup

(You are all shaken, your lips are silent)

Khalbal khalbal ho gayi teri, baithi hai tu gupchup

(You are all disturbed, you are sitting silently)

Pyaare pyaare chehre lekar dediya ishaara
(With your lovely face you've given us hints)

Dekha teri aankhon mein hai sapna koi pyaara
(We have seen that there is some sweet dream in your eyes)

Humse gori naa tu sharma, kehde humse zara - 2
(Don't be shy of us, tell us a little)

Kehna hi kya yeh nain ek anjaan se jo mile

(What is there to say, my eyes met with a stranger)

Chalne lage mohabbat ke jaise yeh silsile

(As if a love story has started)

Armaan naye aise dil mein khile, jinko kabhi main naa jaanoon
(Wishes that I never knew before are blooming in my heart)

Voh humse, hum unse kabhi naa mile, kaise mile dil naa jaanoon
(If he and I never met, I don't know how our hearts would have met)

Ab kya kare, kya naam le, kaise unhe main pukaaroon
(What do I do now, what is his name, how can I call him?)

Kehna hi kya yeh nain ek anjaan se jo mile
(What is there to say, my eyes met with a stranger)

Chalne lage mohabbat ke jaise yeh silsile

(As if a love story has started)

Armaan naye aise dil mein khile, jinko kabhi main naa jaanoon

(Wishes that I never knew before are blooming in my heart)

Voh humse, hum unse kabhi naa mile, kaise mile dil naa jaanoon

(If he and I never met, I don't know how our hearts would have met)

Ab kya kare, kya naam le, kaise unhe main pukaaroon

(What do I do now, what is his name, how can I call him?)

Pehli hi nazar mein kuch hum, kuch tum ho jaate hai yun gum
(At first sight him and I got a little lost)

Nainon se barse rim jhim, rim jhim humpe pyaar ka saavan

(A shower of love fell dripping from our eyes)

Sharm thodi thodi humko aaye to nazarein jhuk jaayen

(When I got a little shy my eyes turned downward)

Sitam thoda thoda humpe shok hawa bhi kar jaaye

(A breeze of wind also gave me a little torture)

Aisi chali, aanchal ude, dil mein ek toofaan uthe

(It blew such that my sari flew, a storm brewed in my heart)

Hum to lut gaye khade hi khade

(I was totally taken while standing)

Kehna hi kya yeh nain ek anjaan se jo mile

(What is there to say, my eyes met with a stranger)

Chalne lage mohabbat ke jaise yeh silsile

(As if a love story has started)

Armaan naye aise dil mein khile, jinko kabhi main naa jaanoon

(Wishes that I never knew before are blooming in my heart)

Voh humse, hum unse kabhi naa mile, kaise mile dil naa jaanoon

(If he and I never met, I don't know how our hearts would have met)

Ab kya kare, kya naam le, kaise unhe main pukaaroon

(What do I do now, what is his name, how can I call him?)

Gumsum gumsum gup chup, gumsum gup chup - 2

(Silent and secretive, silent and secretive)

Halchal halchal ho gayi teri, honth hai tere chup

(You are all shaken, your lips are silent)

Khalbal khalbal ho gayi teri, baithi hai tu gupchup

(You are all disturbed, you are sitting silently)

Pyaare pyaare chehre lekar dediya ishaara

(With your lovely face you've given us hints)

Dekha teri aankhon mein hai sapna koi pyaara

(We have seen that there is some sweet dream in your eyes)

Humse gori naa tu sharma, kehde humse zara - 2

(Don't be shy of us, tell us a little)

In honthon ne maanga sargam, sargam tu aur tera hi pyaar hai

(These lips asked for a song, the song is you and your love)

Aankhen dhoonde hai jisko har dam, har dam tu aur tera hi pyaar hai

(What my eyes search for at every moment is you and your love)

Mehfil mein bhi tanha hai dil aise, dil aise

(Even in a crowd my heart is alone like this)

Tujhko kho naa de, darrta hai yeh aise, yeh aise

(My heart fears losing you like this)

Aaj mili aisi khushi, jhoom uthi duniya yeh meri

(I got such happiness today, my whole world is dancing)

Tumko paaya to paayi zindagi

(When I found you I found life)

Kehna hi kya yeh nain ek anjaan se jo mile

(What is there to say, my eyes met with a stranger)

Chalne lage mohabbat ke jaise yeh silsile

(As if a love story has started)

Armaan naye aise dil mein khile, jinko kabhi main naa jaanoon

(Wishes that I never knew before are blooming in my heart)

Voh humse, hum unse kabhi naa mile, kaise mile dil naa jaanoon

(If he and I never met, I don't know how our hearts would have met)

Ab kya kare, kya naam le, kaise unhe main pukaaroon

(What do I do now, what is his name, how can I call him?)

Kehna hi kya yeh nain ek anjaan se jo mile

(What is there to say, my eyes met with a stranger)

Chalne lage mohabbat ke jaise yeh silsile

(As if a love story has started)

Kehna hi kya

(What is there to say)


Hawa Sun Hawa

Here is the song 'Hawa Sun Hawa' from movie 'Adaa'.

woh kaun hai, woh kaha hai

who is he/she, where is he/she

jise dhundati hai nigaahe
to whom my eyes are searching

woh kaun hai
who is he/she

(hawa sun hawa, use chhuke aa, use chhuke aa ja jara - (2)
wind, listen wind, go and come by touching her/his

kaha hai woh itana bata) - (2)
where is he/she, tell me

kaun hai yaad jo har pal aaye, yaad woh aaye toh aake na jaaye - (2)

who is it which come to my memory every moment, and when the memory comes it never goes

raaj-e-dil abb kisko bataaye, saamane hai woh najar na aaye
now whom should i tell the secret of my heart, she is in front of me but i cant see her

mujhko kisaki aahato ne hai chhuaa, kaun hai woh ai hawa tu yeh bata
whose resemblance has touched me, who is he tell me o wind

hawa sun hawa, use chhuke aa, use chhuke aa ja jara
wind, listen wind, go and come by touching her/his

kaha hai woh itana bata

where is he/she, tell me

meri sadaaye tujhko bulaaye, saamane aa jaao aa aaja re aaja re - (2)

my calls are calling you, come in front come

meri yeh baahein tujhko pukaarein aaja re aaja re aaja re... - (2)

my arms are calling you come come

hawa sun hawa, use chhuke aa, use chhuke aa ja jara
wind, listen wind, go and come by touching her/his

kaha hai woh itana bata

where is he/she, tell me

woh kaun hai
who is he/she

tujhase milungi toh tujhase kahungi, tere bina mai rah na sakungi
when i will meet you, i will tell you that i could not live without you

tujhase milunga toh tujhase kahunga, tere bina mai rah na sakunga
when i will meet you, i will tell you that i could not live without you

chhodo udaasi kyun aankhe num hai, gaur se dekho toh najdik hum hai
leave the sadness, if you see carefully then we are close to each other

mujhko kisaki aahato ne hai chhuaa, kaun hai woh ai hawa tu yeh bata
whose resemblance has touched me, who is he tell me o wind

hawa sun hawa, use chhuke aa, use chhuke aa ja jara ho....
wind, listen wind, go and come by touching her/his

kaha hai woh itna bata

where is he/she, tell me

woh kaun hai

who is he/she

woh kaha hai
who is he/she

jise dhundati hai nigaahe
to whom my eyes are searching

Gum Sum

Here is the song 'Gum Sum' from movie 'Adaa'.

gum sum gum sum, hum tum gum sum
silent, silent, we both are silent

jhil mil jhil mil, jhoom raha hai aaj mera dil
sparkling twinkling, my heart is swinging today

ho gaya jawaan main toh yaha, haay ho gayi hogi woh bhi
here i become a young, she might also have become

gum sum gum sum, hum tum gum sum
silent, silent, we both are silent

jhil mil jhil mil, jhoom raha hai aaj mera dil
sparkling twinkling, my heart is swinging today

ho gaya jawaan main toh yaha
here i become a young

ho gayi hogi jawa woh bhi to waha
she might also have become young there

ho gayi hogi jawa woh bhi to waha
she might also have become young there

(koi khwaab mile koyee sapana mile
let me have some dream

mere dil ne kaha koyee apana mile) - (2)
my heart said let me get someone my own

mere paas rahe, mere saath chale
the one who should be near to me, who should walk along with me

yeh waqt yuhi abb tham jaaye
let the time stop here

na din nikale, na shaam dhale
let not the day start, let not the evening pass

(ehsaas kiska, mujhe chhu gaya, chhu gaya
who's feeling has touched me

khudh se mujhe pyaar hone laga, hone laga) - (2)
that i am loving myself

mujhe apana lage yeh saara jahan
the whole world seems like my own

bachpan yeh gaya abb jaane kaha haay
where my childhood has gone

jo mila hi nahi use chaaha bahut
the one didn't get i loved him/her a lot

jo dikha hi nahi use dhunda bahut haay
the one to whom i didn't see, i searched him/her a lot

Gulfisha Gulfisha

Here is the song 'Gulfisha Gulfisha' from movie 'Adaa'.

gulfisha, gulfisha, tujhase hai mera gulsita
Gulfisha: a bunch of flowers, also means group of flowers which are at budding stage
gilfisha, gulfisha, my garden/(rose garden) is because of you

gul gul gul gul (gulfisha gulfisha, tujhase hai mera gulsita
ada ada haaye ada, teri ada ne jaane kya kiya) - (3)

ada: beauty, charm
charm charm your charm has done what

dhundha tujhe yaha, dhundha tujhe waha
i have searched you here and there

tu phele thi kaha
where were you before

dhundhala sa koyee ik chehara, sang sang chala jo hamesha

one dimmed face which was walking with me always

saamane aaj mere aaya
today it has came in front

ada, ada, ada......
gulfisha gulfisha, tujhase hai mera gulsita
ada ada haaye ada, teri ada ne jaane kya kiya

aankho mein tu raha
there was only you who resided in my eyes

palako mein tu saja
there was only you who decorated in my eyelashes

ashko mein tu dhala
there were you in my tears

jab se maine likhana sikha, tera hi naam maine likha
since when i have been started writing, i wrote only your name

mujhase na dur kabhi jaana
don't go away from me ever

gulfisha gulfisha, tujhase hai mera gulsita
ada ada haaye ada, teri ada ne jaane kya kiya


Hai Dard

Here is the song 'Hai Dard' from movie 'Adaa'.

hai dard faila, hai jakhm gehara
pain has spread everywhere, the wound is deep

kyun dur tak hai thehara andhera
why there is a darkness to the distance

hai yeh dhund, yeh dhund kaisi, kaisa hai khohara
what kind a fog is this, what kind a mist is this

khoya kyun aayine mein usaka chehara, aayine mein usaka chehara
why his/her face is lost in the mirror

nind royi raat raat jaan woh juda ho gayi
my sleeps cried in the nights, my life is separated

raat royi raat raat jaan woh khafa ho gayi
my sleeps cried in the nights, my life is displeased

aankho mein aansuo ka hai pehara, aansuo ka hai pehara
tears are i my eyes

yeh tapish na jaayegi, na yeh khalish jaayegi
this restlessness will not pass away, nor this pain will vanish

dard ki aagosh mein har khushi ghaamosh hai
in the embrace of pain happiness id quiet

dikhata nahi dhuwa dhuwa hai yeh chehara, dhuwa dhuwa hai yeh chehara
i can't see, this face is unclear

kaha ho tum kaha ho chale aao jaha ho, woh yaadein yaad aati hain
where are you? come here wherever you are. those memories reminds me

kaha ho tum kaha ho teri yaadein rulaati hai
where are you, your memories make me cry

aa jaao teri yaado ne ghera, teri yaado ne gahera
come, your memories surrounds me

hai dard faila, hai jakhm gehara
pain has spread everywhere, the wound is deep

kyun dur tak hai thehara andhera
why there is a darkness to the distance

hai yeh dhund, yeh dhund kaisi, kaisa hai khohara
what kind a fog is this, what kind a mist is this

khoya kyun aayine mein usaka chehara, aayine mein usaka chehara
why his/her face is lost in the mirror

DON 2006

Yeh Mera Dil Pyaar Ka Deewana

Here is the song 'Yeh Mera Dil Pyaar Ka Deewana' from movie 'Don 2006'.

Yeh mera dil yaar ka deewana

my heart is crazy for my lover

Deewana deewana pyaar ka parwaana

it's the moth to the flame of love

Aata hai mujhko pyaar mein jal jaana

I know how to burn in love

Mushkil hai pyaare tera bachke jaana

so don't even try to escape, lover

Yeh mera dil yaar ka deewana - 2

(Dil voh chaahe jisse, chaahe jisse usse paaye

the heart gets whoever it wants

Pyaar voh yaar ke jo naam pe hi mit jaaye) - 2

but true love is sacrificing all in the name of one's lover

Jaan ke badle mein jaan loon nazraana

I take a life as gift in exchange for mine

Yeh mera dil yaar ka deewana
Deewana deewana pyaar ka parwaana

(Pal pal ek halchal, dil mein ek toofaan hai

the heart is in turmoil every moment

Aane ko hai voh manzil jiska mujhe armaan hai) - 2

the moment I've been waiting will soon arrive

Bhoolega na tujhe dil ka yeh takraana

I'll never forget this collision of our hearts

Yeh mera dil yaar ka deewana
Deewana deewana pyaar ka parwaana
Aata hai mujhko pyaar mein jal jaana
Mushkil hai pyaare tera bachke jaana
Yeh mera dil yaar ka deewana - 2


Morya Morya Morya Re

Here is the song 'Morya Morya Morya Re' from movie 'Don 2006'.

Mere saare palchin, saare din tarsenge

Every moment, every day I am tormented

Sunle tere bina

without you

Tujhko phir se jalwa dikhana hi hoga

You have to show your face/radiance again

Agle baras aana hai, aana hi hoga

you have to come back again next year

Dekhengi teri raahen, pyasi pyasi nigahen

thirsty eyes will be looking for you

Toh maanle tu maan bhi le kehna mera

so listen to my prayers

Lautke tujhko aana hai, sunle kehta deewana hai

you have to come back next year, please listen to this ardent devotee

Jab tera darsan paayenge chain tab humko paana hai

we'll have peace only when we get a glimpse of you

Oh morya moriya morya re

oh victorious Lord

Bappa morya morya morya re

oh father of us all

Ho, khushiyon ke din ho, ke gham ka zamana

Whether it's good days or days of misery

Dil bas leta hai naam tera

My heart only takes your name

Tere hi karan hai jeevan suhana

You are the reason for this beautiful existence

Tu hi toh man mein tan-man mein basa

You're the one in my heart and soul

Har ghadi dhyaan rahe tera

May you reside always in me

Main hoon tera chahnewaala

I am your devotee

Japta hoon teri maala

I pray on your prayer beads (I pray to you)

Toh maanle tu maan bhi le kehna mera
Lautke tujhko aana hai sunle kehta deewana hai
Jab tera darsan paayenge chain tab humko paana hai
Oh moriya moriya moriya re
Bappa moriya moriya moriya re

Tu hi toh karta hai poori har aasha

You are the one who fulfils all our wishes

Tu hi toh beda paar kare

You are the one who will take care of us

Tu hi toh samjhe jo man ki hai bhasha

You are the one who understands the heart's language

Tu hi toh dhadkan dilon ki sune

You are the one who listen to our heart's wishes

Tujhse hai duniya mein kya chupa

Nothing is hidden from you

Ab main tujhse kya mangoon

Now what can I ask of you?

Tu mera main tera hoon

You are mine and I am yours

Toh maanle tu maan bhi le kehna mera
Lautke tujhko aana hai sunle kehta deewana hai
Jab tera darsan paayenge chain tab humko paana hai
Oh moriya moriya moriya re
Bappa moriya moriya moriya re

Hey tujhko phir se jalwa dikhana hi hoga

Agle baras aana hai, aana hi hoga!

Main Hoon Don

Here is the song 'Main Hoon Don' from movie 'Don 2006'.

Duniya mein logon ne dil apne phir thaame

The world over, people are waiting with bated breath

Aaya hoon lekar main phir kitne hungamein

I come bringing tumult and confusion in my wake

Zara dekho kaun aa gaya hai

See who's come

Zamane pe jo chha gaya hai

Who has captivated the world

Jami kispe hai sab nigahein

Who is the cynosure of all eyes

Khuli kiski khatir hain bahein

Who's invited into everyone's arms

Aisa dildaar aaya hai kaun

Who's this lover?

Mujhko pehchaan lo, main hoon Don!

Know who I am! I am Don!

Main zindagi ki baazi lagake

I bet on life

Maut se khelta hoon jua

And gamble with death

Na mujhko gham hai, na mujhko parvah

I have no sorrows nor do I worry

Kaun mera dushman hua

Who my enemies are

Dushman jo mera ho

Any enemy of mine

Rehta nahin duniya mein…

Doesn't stay long on this earth.

bahot hi khatarnaak hoon main

I'm very deadly

bahot hi khatarnaak hoon main
har ek pal mein chalaak hoon main

I'm very clever/canny

duniya phir jeetne aaya kaun

who has come to conquer the world?

Mujhko pehchaan lo, main hoon Don!

Know who I am! I am Don!

Palken bichaaye paas bulayen

With imploring eyes, they call me

Kitni haseenayen mujhe

These numerous beauties

Lekin do ankhen ankhon mein jhanke

but a pair of eyes look into mine

Aur woh behkaaye mujhe

And they seduce me

Yeh nigaahen yeh bataayen

These eyes, they tell me

Raaz hai in mein nasheele

That eyes hold intoxicating secrets

Ajab sa nasha chha raha hai….

A strange addiction grips me

Ajab sa nasha chha raha hai
Mere dil ko behka raha hai

And seduces me

Behka behka hua aaya kaun

Who's intoxicated?

Mujhko pehchaan lo, main hoon Don!

Know who I am, I am Don!

Aaj Ki Raat

Here is the song 'Aaj Ki Raat' from movie 'Don 2006'.

Shaam hai, jaam hai, aur hai nasha
The evening is redolent with wine and seduction

Tan bhi hai man bhi hai pighla hua
Body and heart are molten

Chhayi hai rangeeliyan
The atmosphere is colorful and addictive

Phir bhi hain betabiyaan
Yet there is a restlessness

Kyun dhadakta hai dil, kyun yeh kehta hai dil
Why does the heart beat so, why does it say

Deewana ko ab tak nahin hai yeh pata
The crazy lover has no idea as yet

Aaj ki raat hona hai kya
What's to happen tonight?

Paana hai kya, khona hai kya
What will be gained, what will be lost?

Aaj ki raat

Do ghadi mein hi yahan jaane kya hoga
Anything can happen here in a matter of minutes

Jo hamesha tha mera bhi mera hoga?
The one who was always mine, will he still be mine?

Kaun kiske dil mein hai faisla hoga
Who is in whose heart will be decided tonight

Faisla hai yahi jeet hogi meri
It's decided, I will be the winner

Oh Deewana ko ab tak nahin hai yeh pata
The crazy lover has no idea as yet

Aaj ki raat hona hai kya
What's to happen tonight?

Paana hai kya, khona hai kya
What will be gained, what will be lost?

Aaj ki raat

Aao main tumse kahoon baat chupke se
Come, let me tell you something in secret

Rang badlegi pal mein raat chupke se
The night will change colors secretly

Tumko le jaaonga phir saath chupke se
I will take you away secretly

Jaaoge tum kahan, dekho main hoon yahan
Where will you go? Look, I am here!

Deewana ko ab tak nahin hai yeh pata
The crazy lover has no idea as yet

Aaj ki raat hona hai kya
What's to happen tonight?

Paana hai kya, khona hai kya
What will be gained, what will be lost?

Khaike Paan Banaraswala

Here is the song 'Khaike Paan Banaraswala' from movie 'Don 2006'.

arre tumka ka batayi bhaiyya hamra haal ka hai….(he batai deo, batai deo
how can i tell you brother of the state of affairs

nikle the hum halva khane, muhi jal gaya hai
i went to eat some halva (sweet stuff) and i got burnt

hmmm…ka tumka batayi, ab ka samjhayi
now what can i tell you, how can i make you understand

badi durghatna hai, muskil bachna hai
an unfortunate thing happened and i barely escaped

chala aisa chakkar, uthi aisi aandhi
such a storm blew

padi hamka karni, badi kooda phaandhi
that i leapt

badi lambi chaudi ooi bhaga daudi
and i ran for my life

din raat jo humne jaag jaag ki aisi bhaagam bhaag
i didn't sleep a wink for days, just ran

ke hum kabhi hiyaan gaye, kabhi huaan gaye
sometimes i went here, sometimes there

kabhi hiyaan gaye, kabhi huaan gaye
kabhi idhar bhage kabhi udhar bhage phir tumne diya
sometimes i ran here, sometimes there and then you gave me...

yeh paan toh aayi hamri jaan mein jaan
this paan (betel leaf) brought some life back in me

toh aayi hamri jaan mein jaan, toh aayi hamri jaan mein jaan

o khaike paan banaras wala -2
eating paan from banaras

khuli jaaye band akal ka tala
opens up the locks on your brain

o khaike paan banaras wala -2
eating paan from banaras

khuli jaaye band akal ka tala
opens up the locks on your brain

phir to aisa kare dhamal
then such an uproar/ruckus he'll create

seedhi kar de sabki chaal
that he'll straighten you all out

o chora ganga kinare wala -2
this boy from the shores of the ganges

o khaike paan banaras wala
khuli jaaye band akal ka tala

arrey ram duhaai, kaise chakkar mein pad gaya haai haai haai!
oh lord! what kind of mess have i gotten into?

kahan jaan fasaai, main to sooli pe chad gaya haai haai
what have i gotten myself into, i've climbed the gallows

kaisa seedha saada main kaisa bhola bhala haan haan
i'm such a simple ordinary man, i'm so innocent, yes, yes

arrey, kaisa seedha seeda main kaisa bhola bhala
jaane kaun ghadi mein pad gaya padhe likhon se paalaa
god knows which moment i got entangled with these educated people

meethi choori se, meethi choori se hua halaal
i got slaughtered with a sweet knife

chora ganga kinare wala, o chora ganga kinare wala
this boy from the shores of the ganges

o khaike paan banaras wala
khuli jaaye band akal ka tala

ek naar naveli badi albeli kare atkeli
a beautiful lively girl

uski badi hai dhoom hai aisi
she makes such an impact

manbhaavan sab dekhen usko palat palat aur ghoom ghoom
that all her admirers turn and whirl to stare at her

oh nagar nagar jaaye dagar dagar aur ang ang mein jyoti chamke
everywhere she goes, every town, she lights a fire

jagar jagar sundar baala, palkon mein liye ek sapnalok,
a beautiful girl with dreamy eyes

adron mein liye yauvan haala
and youth in her limbs

ithlati hai, balkhati hai
she sways and struts...

tan ka chandan woh jhalak jhalak jhalkati hai
her fair shining body

woh nain dwar se tan mein aake man mein jwala jagati hai
with her eyes she sets fire to body and heart

woh chandramukhi hai! woh mrignayani hai!
she is moon-faced, she is doe eyed

woh chandramukhi hai, woh mrignayani hai
woh roopvati hai, woh madhumati hai!
she is a beauty, she is honey

dhin ta dhin ta dhin ta tha!

ek kanya kunwari hamri surat pe mar gayi haai haai haai!
a young damsel has fallen for me oh!

ek meethi kataari, hamre dil mein utar gayi haai haai
this sweet dagger, she entered my heart oh!

kaisi gori gori o teekhi teekhi chori, wah wah!
how fair, how saucy she is!

arrey, kaisi gori gori o teekhi teekhi chori
karke jora-jori, kar gayi hamre dil ki chori
she forcibly stole my heart

mili chori to, mili chori to hua nihaal
now that i have her, my life is enriched

chora ganga kinare wala, o chora ganga kinare wala
this boy from the shores of the ganges

o khaike paan banaras wala
khuli jaaye band akal ka tala
o khaike paan banaras wala
khuli jaaye band akal ka tala
phir to aisa kare dhamal
seedhi kar de sabki chaal
o chora ganga kinare wala
o chora ganga kinare wala huh!


Ghar Aaja Pardesi

Here is the song 'Ghar Aaja Pardesi' from movie 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge'.

ho koyal kookein huuk uthaaye yaadon ki banduuk chalaaye

A sobbing cry arises from the cuckoo, triggering memories.

baagon mein jhuulon ke mausam vaapas aaye re

In the orchards the season of swings has returned.

ghar aaja pardesi tera des bulaaye re

Come home, wanderer, your country has called you.

is gaon (gaanv) ki anpadh mitti padh nahin sakti teri chitthi

The illiterate village dust cannot read your letter,

yeh mitti tu aakar chuume to is dharti ka dil jhuume

(but) when you come and kiss this dust, the heart of the earth will reel with delight.

maana tere hain kuch sapne par ham to hain tere apne

Follow those dreams of yours, but (know that) we are yours also.

bhuulanewaale ham ko teri yaad sataaye re

O forgetful one, we are tormented by your absence!

ghar aaja pardesi tera des bulaaye re

Come home, wanderer, your country has called you.

pangat pe aayein mutiyaarein chham chham paayal ki jhankaarein

Amidst the ringing and jingling of anklets, the women shall come all in a row.

kheton mein laharaayein sarason

In the fields the mustard plants will ripple.

kal parson mein bitein barson

(By waiting until) tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, years shall pass.

aaj hi aa ja kaak hansta tera rasta dekhe rasta

Come back this very day! The crow laughs; he watches for your path.

are chhuk chhuk gaadi ki siti aawaz lagaaye re

There! the train whistle is blowing!

ghar aaja pardesi tera des bulaaye re

Come home, wanderer, your country has called you.

haathon mein puuja ki thaali aaye raat suhaagonwaali

The night shall come for the wives (to pray for their husbands), worship plates in hand.

chaand ko dekhuun haath mein joduun karwachauth ka vrat main toduun

Hands joined (in prayer), I shall look for the moon, and then I shall break the fast of Karwachauth.

tere haath se pikar paani daasi se ban jauun raani

Once I�ve drunk water from your hand, I shall know that I�ve been elevated from servant to queen.

aaj ki raat jo maange koi vo pa jaaye re

On this night, whatever anyone asks for shall be obtained.

ghar aaja pardesi tera des bulaaye re

Come home, wanderer, your country has called you!

O man mitr O man mita de tanu rab de hawaale kita

O kindred spirit, O lover, may God keep you in his care!

duniya ke dastuur hain kaise paagal dil majbuur hain kaise

What are the world�s customs like, what sort of compulsions ride the crazy heart?

ab kya sunna ab kya kahana tere mere bich ye rahana

What to hear, what to say; these things must remain between us.

khatm hui ye aankh micholi kal jaayegi meri doli

I am done playing games; tomorrow I will carried off to marry.

meri doli meri arthi na ban jaaye re

Don�t let my wedding palanquin become my funeral bier!

ghar aaja pardesi tera des bulaaye re

Come home, wanderer, your country has called you.

ho koyal kookein huuk uthaaye yaadon ki banduuk chalaaye

A sobbing cry arises from the cuckoo, triggering memories.

baagon mein jhuulon ke mausam vaapas aaye re

In the orchards the season of swings has returned.

O maahi re o achan weh weh jinduwa o sajana

O lover, O soul mate, O sweetheart!

Mere Khwaabon Mein

Here is the song 'Mere Khwaabon Mein' from movie 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge'.

(Mere khwaabon mein jo aaye
The one who comes in my dreams

Aake mujhe chhed jaaye) - 2
He comes and teases me

Usse kaho kabhi saamne to aaye
Tell him to come face-to-face with me sometime

Mere khwaabon mein jo aaye
The one who comes in my dreams

Aake mujhe chhed jaaye
He comes and teases me

Usse kaho kabhi saamne to aaye
Tell him to come face-to-face with me sometime

Mere khwaabon mein jo aaye
The one who comes in my dreams

Kaisa hai, kaun hai woh, jaane kahan hai
What is he like, who is he, who knows where he is

Ho, kaisa hai, kaun hai woh, jaane kahan hai
Oh what is he like, who is he, who knows where he is

Jiske liye mere honton pe haan hai
The one for whom there is "yes" on my lips

Apna hai ya begaana hai woh
Is he one of my own or an outsider?

Sach hai ya koi afsaana hai woh
Is he real or is he some kind of legend?

Dekhe ghoor ghoor ke yunhi door door se
He looks (at me) keenly like this from afar

Usse kaho meri neend naa churaaye
Tell him not to steal my sleep

Mere khwaabon mein jo aaye
The one who comes in my dreams

Aake mujhe chhed jaaye
He comes and teases me

Usse kaho kabhi saamne to aaye
Tell him to come face-to-face with me sometime

Mere khwaabon mein jo aaye
The one who comes in my dreams

Jaadu sa jaise koi chalne laga hai
It is like someone has cast magic

Ho, jaadu sa jaise koi chalne laga hai
Oh, it is like someone has cast magic

Main kya karoon, dil machalne laga hai
What can I do, my heart has started to jitter

Tera deewana hoon, kehta hai woh
I am mad for you, he says

Chhup chhupke phir kyoon rehta hai woh
Then why does he stay hidden

Kar baitha bhool woh, le aaya phool woh
If he makes a mistake, he brings me flowers

Usse kaho jaaye chaand leke aaye
Tell him to go and bring me the moon

(Mere khwaabon mein jo aaye
The one who comes in my dreams

Aake mujhe chhed jaaye) - 2
He comes and teases me

Usse kaho kabhi saamne to aaye
Tell him to come face-to-face with me sometime

La la, la la la la laa la - 2

Ruk Ja O Dil Deewane

Here is the song 'Ruk Ja O Dil Deewane' from movie 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge'.

Ruk jaa, o dil deewane
Stop, oh mad heart

Poochhoon to main zara
I'll ask you something

Ladki hai ya hai jaadu
Is this a girl or magic?

Khushboo hai ya nasha
Is this fragrance or intoxication?

Haan ruk jaa, o dil deewane
Oh stop, oh mad heart

Poochhoon to main zara
I'll ask you something

Arre ladki hai ya hai jaadu
Is this a girl or magic?

Khushboo hai ya nasha
Is this fragrance or intoxication?

Paas woh aaye to chhooke main dekhoon zara
If she comes close then I'll touch her and see

Ruk jaa, o dil deewane
Stop, oh mad heart

Poochhoon to main zara
I'll ask you something

Dekhe woh idhar hanske bekhabar
She looks over here smiling, unaware

Thaamke dil hum khade hain
That I'm standing (waiting) here clutching my heart

Gumsum si nazar uski hai magar
She has a quiet glance, but

Honton pe shikwe bade hain
Upon her lips are big complaints

Baat ban jaaye to main baat chhedoon zara
If it will work, I'll work my words (on her)

Ruk jaa, o dil deewane
Stop, oh mad heart

Poochhoon to main zara
I'll ask you something

Ha ha, ladki hai ya hai jaadu
Is this a girl or magic?

Khushboo hai ya nasha
Is this fragrance or intoxication?

Sharmaa woh gayi, ghabraa woh gayi
She got embarrassed, she got scared

Maine jo usko pukaara
Because I called out to her

Yeh dil le liya, usne kar diya
She took my heart

Aankhon hi aankhon mein ishaara
She gave me signals through her eyes

Jaan bhi jaaye to gham na karoon main zara
Even if I lose my life I won't mind at all

Ruk jaa, o dil deewane
Stop, oh mad heart

Poochhoon to main zara
I'll ask you something

Hey, ladki hai ya hai jaadu
Is this a girl or magic?

Khushboo hai ya nasha
Is this fragrance or intoxication?

Mehfil mein haseen tu hi to nahin
In this party, you're not the only lovely one

Roothi tu kis liye akeli
Why are you sulking alone?

Jispe yun fidaa yeh dil ho gaya
The one to whom my heart has become attached

Woh to hai teri ek saheli
She is your friend

Maan woh jaaye to baahon mein le loon zara
If she agrees, I'll take her in my arms

Ruk jaa, o dil deewane
Stop, oh mad heart

Poochhoon to main zara
I'll ask you something

Arre ladki hai ya hai jaadu
Is this a girl or magic?

Khushboo hai ya nasha
Is this fragrance or intoxication?

Paas woh aaye to chhooke main dekhoon zara
If she comes close then I'll touch her and see

Zara Sa Jhoom Loon Main

Here is the song 'Zara Sa Jhoom Loon Main' from movie 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge'.

Hm hm hm hm hm hm, la la la la la la
La la la la la la

Zara sa jhoom loon main
I will stagger a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Zara sa ghoom loon main
I will spin a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Aa tujhe choom loon main
Come, I'll kiss you

Arre na re baba na
Oh, no no no

Main chali banke hawa
I'm off like the wind

Rabba mere, mainu bacha
My lord, save me!

Zara sa jhoom loon main
I will stagger a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Zara sa ghoom loon main
I will spin a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Aa tujhe choom loon main
Come, I'll kiss you

Arre na re baba na
Oh, no no no

Main chali banke hawa
I'm off like the wind

Rabba mere, mainu bacha
My lord, save me!

Mausam yeh beimaan masti ka yeh sama
This unruly season, this atmosphere of mischief

Roko o logon zameen pe girne laga aasmaan
Stop people, the sky is falling on the earth

Thumak thumak ke jhooloongi
I will spin around

Main udke gagan ko chhoo loongi
Flying, I will touch the sky

Main chali banke hawa
I'm off like the wind

Rabba mere, mainu bacha
My lord, save me!

Zara sa jhoom loon main
I will stagger a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Zara sa ghoom loon main
I will spin a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Aa tujhe choom loon main
Come, I'll kiss you

Arre na re baba na
Oh, no no no

Thandi thandi pawan jalta hai yeh badan
This cold cold wind, this body is burning

Jee chaahta hai banaa loon tujhko apna sajan
My hearts wants for me to make you my lover

Hua nahin yeh pehle kabhi
This never happened before

Meri chaal badal gayi abhi abhi
My walk has changed now

Main chali banke hawa
I'm off like the wind

Rabba mere, mainu bacha
My lord, save me!

Zara sa jhoom loon main
I will stagger a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Zara sa ghoom loon main
I will spin a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Aa tujhe choom loon main
Come, I'll kiss you

Arre na re baba na
Oh, no no no

Jaati hai tu kahan, jaaneman jaane jaan
Where are you going, sweetheart, darling

Ladki hai tu khoobsurat, ladka main naujawaan
You are a beautiful girl, I am a youthful boy

Tujhe gale lagaa loon aa
I'll embrace you, come

Palkon mein bithaa loon aa
I'll keep you on my eyelashes, come

Ho gaya mujhe nasha
I have become intoxicated

Rabba mere, mainu bacha
My lord, save me!

Zara sa jhoom loon main
I will stagger a little

Na re na re na
No no no

Zara sa ghoom loon main
I will spin a little

Arre na re na re na
Oh, no no no

Aa tujhe choom loon main
Come, I'll kiss you

Na re baba na
No no no

Ho gaya mujhe nasha
I have become intoxicated

Rabba mere, mainu bacha
My lord, save me!

Tujhe Dekha Toh

Here is the song 'Tujhe Dekha Toh' from movie 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge'.

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam
That love is crazy, sweetheart

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

(Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam) - 2
That love is crazy, sweetheart

Ab yahan se kahan jaaye hum
Now where would I go from here?

Teri baahon mein mar jaaye hum
I will die in your arms

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam
That love is crazy, sweetheart

Ab yahan se kahan jaaye hum
Now where would I go from here?

Teri baahon mein mar jaaye hum
I will die in your arms

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

#La la la la la, la la la la la
#La la la la la, la la la
Aankhen meri sapne tere
My eyes, your dreams

Dil mera, yaadein teri
My heart, your memories

O, mera hai kya
Oh, what is there of mine?

(La la la)

Sab kuch tera
Everything is yours

(La la la)

Jaan teri, saansein teri
My life is yours, my breath is yours

Meri aankhon mein aansu tere aa gaye
In my eyes came your tears

Muskuraane lage saare gham
All of my woes began to smile

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam
That love is crazy, sweetheart

Ab yahan se kahan jaaye hum
Now where would I go from here?

Teri baahon mein mar jaaye hum
I will die in your arms

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Yeh dil kahin lagta nahin
This heart doesn't seem like anything (without you)

Kya kahoon, main kya karoon
What do I say, what do I do?

Haan, tu saamne
Yes, in front of me

(La la la)

Baithi rahe
You stay seated

(La la la)

Main tujhe dekha karoon
I will keep on looking at you

Tune aawaaz di, dekh main aa gayi
You called out, look I came

Pyaar se hai badi kya kasam
What vow is bigger than love?

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam
That love is crazy, sweetheart

Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana sanam
I saw you and I learned this, sweetheart

Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam
That love is crazy, sweetheart

Ab yahan se kahan jaaye hum
Now where would I go from here?

Teri baahon mein mar jaaye hum
I will die in your arms

Teri baahon mein mar jaaye hum
I will die in your arms

Mehandi Laga Ke Rakhna

Here is the song 'Mehandi Laga Ke Rakhna' from movie 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge'.

Yeh kudiyaan nashe diya pudiyaan
These girls are packets (doses) of intoxication

Yeh munde gali de gunde
These boys are street ruffians

Yeh kudiyaan nashe diya pudiyaan
These girls are packets (doses) of intoxication

Yeh munde gali de gunde
These boys are street ruffians

Nashe diya pudiyaan
Doses of intoxication

Gali de gunde!
Street ruffians!

Oh o o o, oh o o o o
(Mehndi lagaake rakhna

Keep mehndi (henna) applied
Doli sajaake rakhna) - 2

Keep the wedding carriage decorated
Lene tujhe o gori aayenge tere sajna

To take you, oh fair one, your lover will come

Mehndi lagaake rakhna
Keep mehndi applied

Doli sajaake rakhna
Keep the wedding carriage decorated

Oh ho, oh ho

Ho, o o o o o oh, aah aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
(Sehraa sajaake rakhna
Keep your wedding veil on

Chehraa chhupaake rakhna) - 2
Keep your face hidden

Yeh dil ki baat apne dil mein dabaake rakhna
Keep these words of your heart suppressed in your heart

Sehraa sajaake rakhna
Keep your wedding veil on

Chehraa chhupaake rakhna
Keep your face hidden

Mehndi lagaake rakhna
Keep mehndi applied

Doli sajaake rakhna
Keep the wedding carriage decorated

Hoye, hoye, hoye!

Hoye, hoye, hoye!

Ud udke teri zulfein
Your hair, flying about

Karti hai kya ishaare
Is making such gestures

Dil thaamke khade hain
Clutching their hearts

Aashiq sabhi kunwaare
All the lovesick bachelors are standing

Chhup jaaye saari kudiyaan
All the girls hide

Ghar mein sharam ke maare
In the house from embarrassment

Gaaon mein aa gaye hain
Into the village have come

Paagal shaher ke saare
The crazy ones from the city

(Nazrein jhukaake rakhna
Keep your glances downcast

Daaman bachaake rakhna) - 2
Keep your embrace ready

Lene tujhe o gori aayenge tere sajna
To take you, oh fair one, your lover will come

Mehndi lagaake rakhna
Keep mehndi applied

Doli sajaake rakhna
Keep the wedding carriage decorated

Sehraa sajaake rakhna
Keep your wedding veil on

Chehraa chhupaake rakhna
Keep your face hidden

Oh oh oh oh oh, aah aah aah aah aah aah - 2

Main ek jawaan ladka
I am a youthful boy

Tu ek haseen ladki
You are a beautiful girl

Yeh dil machal gaya to
If this heart flip-flopped

Mera kusoor kya hai
Is it my fault?

Rakhna tha dil pe kaabu
You were supposed to keep control on your heart

Yeh husn to hai jaadu
This beauty (of mine) is magic

Jaadu yeh chal gaya to
If this magic was cast

Mera kusoor kya hai
Is it my fault?

(Rasta hamaara takna
Keep your eye on my path (in my direction)

Darwaaza khula rakhna) - 2
Keep the door open

Lene tujhe o gori aayenge tere sajna
To take you, oh fair one, your lover will come

(Kuch aur ab na kehna
Don't say anything else now

Kuch aur ab na karna) - 2
Don't do anything else now

Yeh dil ki baat apne dil mein dabaake rakhna
Keep these words of your heart suppressed in your heart

Mehndi lagaake rakhna
Keep mehndi applied

Doli sajaake rakhna
Keep the wedding carriage decorated

Sehraa sajaake rakhna
Keep your wedding veil on

Chehraa chhupaake rakhna
Keep your face hidden

Sha va oye, oye, oye - 4

Sha va oye, oye, oye - 8
Sha va